Prof. Eran Tromer

Dr. Eran Tromer is a faculty member at Tel Aviv University's School of Computer Science. He received his Ph.D. at the Weizmann Institute of Science in 2007, and subsequently pursued his research at MIT and at Microsoft Research. At Tel Aviv University, Dr. Tromer is heading the Lab for Experimental Information Security and is codirector of the Check Point Institute for Information Security.

Dr. Eran Tromer is a faculty member at Tel Aviv University's School of Computer Science. He received his Ph.D. at the Weizmann Institute of Science in 2007, and subsequently pursued his research at MIT and at Microsoft Research. At Tel Aviv University, Dr. Tromer is heading the Lab for Experimental Information Security and is codirector of the Check Point Institute for Information Security.

Dr. Tromer's research focus is cryptography, information security, and the challenges raised by imperfect real-world computer systems. Major ongoing projects include:

The Succinct Computational Privacy and Integrity Research (SCIPR) Lab constructs cryptographic systems for ensuring the integrity of computation conducted on untrusted, faulty and malicious platforms.

The Laboratory for Experimental Information Security (LEISec) investigates side-channel information leakage in computers, through physical emanations (e.g., acoustic and electric) and software (e.g., cache contention in cloud computing).

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