"Strategic trends in the global cyber conflict" a new article by Blavatnik ICRC researchers

Blavatnik ICRC researchers Gil Baram, Daniel Cohen, Zeev Shapira, Omree Wechsler, Nir Hight and Prof. Isaac Ben-Israel publish new findings.

The paper "Strategic trends in the global cyber conflict " reviews the main strategic trends in cyber policy and security in recent years, pointing out the emergence of a new ‘cyber escalation cycle’: while states are investing significant resources to improve their offensive cyber capabilities, these capabilities are subsequently being stolen, publicised and used by hostile countries to launch devastating cyberattacks. This has led governments to pursue legislation to control incoming technology, changing the technological relations between countries. Given the development of enhanced cyber capabilities and the effectiveness of the attacks, we believe that leakage followed by immediate use of the leaked offensive cyber weapons against rival countries will only increase, making this issue even more contentious.

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