Blavatnik ICRC Researchers' Seminar
16 January 2018, 9:00 - 12:00
The Blavatnik ICRC Meeting Room, Tel Aviv University
The ICRC holds seminars (in Hebrew) for researchers in diverse cybersecurity-relevant topics. The next seminars will take place on January 16th and March 13th, 2018
The seminar on January 16th will include the following lectures:
- Adv. Deborah Housen-Couriel, The Intersection of Ccybersecurity and Space Security
- Amitai Gilad, Trojan Swans: Mitigating the Risk of Advanced Cyber-attacks - from Theory to Practice
- Yotam Feldman, Best Practices for Verifiably-Correct Concurrent Systems (PI: Noam Rinetzky and Sharon Shoham)
- Ami Schlesinger, Open source tools and solutions for researchers