ICRC Seminar

29 April 2015, 14:00 - 15:00 
Tel Aviv University 

You are cordially invited to participate in the ICRC seminar.


Program: New Age Cryptography - Protecting Software and the Future of Society


Speaker: Prof. Ran Canetti


Given our increasing dependence on Information systems, it is clear that the widespread lack of  trust in computer software is having crucial effect on the shaping of modern society. Two common beliefs that underlie this mistrust are (a) that it is impossible to verify what software really does, and (b) that it is impossible for software to hide any secrets from the platform that runs it.


Recently, cryptographic mechanisms have been developed that challenge theses beliefs, opening the door to software whose behavior is publicly verifiable,  and  at the same time is able to hold secrets even from untrusted platforms.  Such software can be the basis for a more open, stable, and  connected society. The talk will describe these recent developments and the challenges ahead.


Location: Venezuela Hall, Room 527, Naftali Bldg.

